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Everyday Life Hopes and Dreams Reflections

A Spark in an Abyss

H.W.Rao November 04, 2016
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To call it a gamble is an understatement,

More of a deadly risk,

Where a single step can change its whole course,

But that’s how it is,

Bursts of happiness that may appear from time to time,

And showers of sorrow that pains you and reminds you,

That no matter how much you think you are responsible for it,

Certain things happen and you can’t control it,

Being part of your journey in this world,

Known as life.


He looks so ordinary,

Like any other youth,

Aspiring big and keeps pondering,

Whether it is all worth it.


He thinks he is happy,

But when the pain of loneliness hits him,

He realizes the happiness is merely a temporary ecstasy,

To escape from the agony that is buried deep within

He keeps reminding himself of the time he felt great,

How the confidence soared and he thought he can achieve anything,

Thinking that he has everything he needs in life.

But that remains as a memory, in a deep corner inside his mind.


Fears of various kind imprisons his mind,

He does not want to be lonely,

He does not want to remain unknown and ordinary,

He does not want to live like cogs in a machine.


Maybe the fault isn’t his after all,

For was it his choice to be like this?

To be isolated, despite his sincerity?

It may be a subject of laughter for the ignorant ones,

But the one who lives in a such a way, knows the pain.


Or maybe certain things were his mistake,

Took a step or two that weren’t meant to be,

And that has changed everything.

But this isn’t the worst pain after all.

The true frustration lies in the ignorance,

Of those whom he thought he could confide in,

Yet they do not know the turbulence in his mind,

And assume he has nothing to worry about,

And has everything to live for.

But only he knows,

That is not the truth.


Although his life may seem ordinary,

Deep within him, lies an intense desire,

Waiting to be manifested,

Although his is living like any other youth,

Within him, lies a long buried spirit that can change the world,

A personality untainted and a mind that can conquer the entire world,

For how long is this spark to be suppressed in this abyss?

Something has to ignite it,

Or perhaps it is slowly becoming a fiery spirit.

Or perhaps, he himself is suppressing it with his wrong steps.


How to know, which step is right, and which is wrong?

You will not know the consequences till it appears,

Therefore, take a step without regret,

Since it is not even your fault.

Go and live, every step is part of your journey,

Keep going, unaffected by the dualities of emotions.

Two more steps brother, two more steps.


Ignite that spirit in you,

The one who is not in the least bothered by the judgements of others,

The one who is not carried away by joy,

The one who is not pulled down by sorrow,

The one who stands firmly,

Like a candle without the disturbances of a wind.

That one, is your only solace.

When you do not know where to look or whom to confide in,

Find the one, and stay there.


Pursuit of success necessitates sacrifice,

But the pain, is it unavoidable?

For life is like a game of dice,

A weak man’s attempt at gamble,


Why must this feeling appear?

Despite all the efforts, the agony persists,

Maybe it’s the desire and fear,

That constantly linger like mist.


Those enemies have to be eliminated,

And the everlasting bliss has to be restored,

Since there is no one to confide in,

Perhaps the only way out, is to go inward.


The Self is to be thy greatest friend.

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