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Being grateful

Sheyyrah Lee May 27, 2017
3008 Views 01 Comment

People that believe in God are not truly obedient to Him – some yes. I’m one of people who turn to Him when I need something that out of my control. I pray a lot when I really need them. And if I wish not going to have it, or I have nothing to meet, I will forget Him – easily. Last week, I did a big mistake when I registered for my degree. I did it in very last-minute, so close to the due date. It was a messed! I prayed, prayed and prayed everyday in hope that He will answer my pray. An email to reset my mistake had been send to the administrator during the public holiday. The sad thing was, they only received the email during weekdays and sharply during office hour. I feel so bad, it was friday night i sent the email. I looked very stupid. School holiday will start on this next Monday, which is one day before due date. I felt my life going to stop and i cannot further my study. I really love to study. It feel so sad if I fail to register to the most wanted college – for me. I did my pray even though my chance was 0.1%. After my pray, i grabbed my phone and i received an email from that college! They agreed to reset my mistake and i feel so grateful. Let’s our beautiful mind believe in Him, the greatest. Everything happens for a beautiful reason. And for my prayer, He answered my wish in hope I will become close to Him, and always believe God is always the greatest.


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  1. James Warren May 27, 2017

    Thank you so much for sharing your story! And we’re so happy for you that you will continue your studies. Best of luck!


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