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Post Wedding Tips for New Couples

silbchris August 22, 2023
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Take a Breath and Celebrate

Your wedding day is a monumental milestone that marks the culmination of your journey as a couple. It’s a day to celebrate your love and commitment and the merging of two unique paths into one shared journey. As you embark on this new chapter together, take a moment to savour the joy surrounding you and relish the happiness this day brings.

Amid celebrating, remember that your wedding day is just the beginning. It’s a symbolic starting point for the beautiful adventures that lie ahead. Challenges will undoubtedly arise, but your journey together has already shown your resilience as a couple. With each challenge overcome, your bond will grow even stronger.

Communicate and Set Expectations

Share your hopes and dreams for the future. Talk about what you envision for your personal and professional lives. This could include career aspirations, hobbies you want to pursue, places you want to travel, and the kind of life you see yourselves leading.

Move on to discussing your shared goals as a couple. Consider critical areas such as family, finances, personal growth, and lifestyle. For instance, discuss whether you want to have children, how you plan to manage finances together, and what kind of home environment you want to create.

As you discuss your goals, be specific and concrete. Instead of saying, “I want to travel more,” you could say, “I’d love to visit at least one new country yearly.” The clarity in your goals helps prevent misunderstandings down the line.

Recognise that you may have different priorities, and that’s okay. This is an opportunity to practice compromise and find common ground.

Important Changes

You need to remember the important changes that come with marriage. Here are some to remember:

  • Marriage Certificate: Obtain an official copy of your marriage certificate from the General Register Office for Scotland (GROS). This document will serve as proof of your marriage and is required for many things, such as officially changing your name.
  • Passport: If you change your last name after marriage, you can apply for a new passport with your updated name. You must provide your current passport, a copy of your marriage certificate, passport photos, and a passport renewal application.
  • Wills and Estate Planning Documents: If you already have a will, updating it to reflect your new marital status is a good idea. This includes naming your spouse as a beneficiary and addressing any changes in your estate planning.

Merging Finances

Your financial situation can change after marriage. There are two routes you can go down. Fully merging finances involves combining all income and expenses. Joint bank accounts are established for managing bills, savings, and investments. This approach promotes transparency and shared responsibility. Regular conversations about spending habits, financial goals, and individual financial obligations are essential.

Partial or Separate Finances

Some couples prefer a hybrid approach. They maintain joint accounts for shared expenses while keeping individual accounts for personal spending. This approach respects autonomy while ensuring that essential bills and savings are managed together.

Creating a Joint Budget

To manage finances effectively, establish a joint budget that aligns with your aspirations. Begin by understanding your existing spending patterns. Tracking expenses for a few months helps identify areas for improvement. Discuss your short-term and long-term financial objectives. Whether it’s buying a home, starting a family, or travelling, align your budget with these goals. Break down your expenses into housing, transportation, groceries, entertainment, savings, and debt repayment categories. Assign a portion of your combined income to each category. Prioritise necessities like bills and savings while allowing for discretionary spending.

Housing and Living Arrangements

When deciding where you live, it’s essential to consider several factors. One of the factors to consider is location. Decide on a location that suits both of your needs and commitments, such as work, family, and social circles.

Assess your living space requirements. Consider whether you’ll need a larger place if you plan to start a family or if a smaller home is sufficient for now. Determine a budget encompassing rent or mortgage payments, utilities, and other associated costs. Make sure it aligns with your combined income and financial goals. Consider your long-term plans. Are you looking for a temporary living situation or planning to settle down for a while? This can influence the type of property you choose. If you decide to buy and you’re a first-time buyer, there is plenty of help out there for you to benefit from.


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