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West of Scotland Relaxing Tips

silbchris October 28, 2021
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The West of Scotland is regarded as being one of the most beautiful parts of the UK. From the historical culture of Glasgow to the wild and windswept West coast, it’s easy to see why so many people are keen to visit and explore this area. Thanks to the limits on international travel that came with the Covid lockdown restrictions, we have learned to appreciate what’s on our doorstep. If the beautiful photography isn’t enough to convince you, here are some top tips to show you why you should consider this part of the country for your next trip.

History and Culture in Glasgow

While Glasgow was once known as the “second city of the empire”, it’s often overshadowed by the gothic beauty of Scotland’s capital, Edinburgh. Ask any Glaswegian, and they’ll assure you that this is deeply unfair and that Glasgow has much more to offer in its own right. There is a huge wealth of museums and culture on offer in Glasgow, and they make the city the ideal place for a weekend away. Add this to a thriving local music scene and welcoming nightlife, and you have the perfect recipe for a city break!

Scotland in Miniature

In many ways, Scotland’s islands are its ace in the sleeve. These rural communities each have their own character and charm, not to mention stunning North Atlantic coastal scenery. The isle of Arran is sometimes referred to as Scotland in Miniature as its unique geological and geographical layout is similar to what you see on the mainland, albeit on a smaller scale. For those wanting to enjoy a more remote holiday, Arran makes for a perfect getaway. There is loads to do here, and the journey is more forgiving than some of Scotland’s more remote islands.

Loch Lomond and the Trossachs

No trip to Scotland would be complete without a visit to the Bonnie Banks o’ Loch Lomond – forever immortalised in the traditional poem that’s known the world over. Visitors to this part of Scotland will be enamoured by the hiking and hillwalking trails across the Trossachs National Park. Remember to stay wrapped up as the Scottish weather can close in at any time! For those looking to stay at a Loch Lomond hotel, there are few places that offer the experience of Cameron House, and it should be considered if you’re planning on spending any length of time here.

Beautiful Ayrshire

While there are parts of Scotland that always make the headlines for their rural beauty – the highlands and the aforementioned Loch Lomond being two such examples, there are a lot of areas that are overlooked. The area to the South West of Glasgow on the coast is known as Ayrshire and is every bit as charming and as pretty as anywhere else in Scotland. The town of Largs offers a classic seaside holiday experience, and there are some significant historical buildings to visit, like Culzean Castle.

We hope this article has inspired you to consider the West of Scotland for the next holiday you book. There is so much to discover here if you put in the research.


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