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How to protect your kids physical and mental health

silbchris July 20, 2021
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From the moment your kids are born until they reach adulthood it’s your responsibility to make sure they’re physically and mentally healthy. This is a big ask, and we know that. But it doesn’t have to be as daunting as it sounds. There are lots of things you can do that will help keep your kids healthy. Here are just a few of them.


Get all their vaccinations
Newborns and young children need to have their vaccines. If you want your child to be protected against a lot of common illnesses, you cannot skip these vaccinations. Vaccinations take place routinely from weeks old up to around 14 years old and protect your kids against multiple diseases and infections.


Get regular check-ups in those first months
Up until your baby is 2 years old, you’ll be offered regular health and development reviews (health visitor checks). These are intended to help support you as new parents and your new baby as well as making sure their development is going okay.


Invest in children’s health insurance
It would also be a good idea to invest in children’s health insurance so that in those early months, you’ve always got a highly qualified midwife on hand to quickly answer any questions or worries you have. This stage of over-worrying is completely natural for new parents, so having someone there you can speak to at any time, day or night, can be a real peace of mind.


Help them maintain a healthy weight
Helping your child maintain a healthy weight is important as it can prevent a whole host of health issues down the line. Children who maintain a healthy weight tend to be fitter, physically and mentally healthier, learn better and are more self-confident. You can do this by being a good role model, not pressuring them, encouraging physical exercise and healthy eating.


Make sure they’re sleeping enough
Sleep is important for children to grow properly and to encourage good mental health. Kids and young people who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to experience mental health problems than though who get the recommended 7-8 hours a night. As a result, mental health problems can also result in sleep problems. So, make sure they are getting enough sleep.


Teach your child to handle their emotions
It’s important that you are teaching your kids to handle their emotions from a young age. Doing so is going to help them learn healthy coping mechanisms from a young age which is good for their developing mental health. It’s important that kids learn about both positive and negative emotions, so they learn to recognise them and deal with them.


These are just a few of the ways that you can help your child’s physical and mental health as they age. Kids are curious by nature, which makes them prone to accidents and injury. While you can’t stop every scrape and bruise, you can be there to help them as much as possible.


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