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How IoT Is Disrupting Leading Industries

Artur Meyster January 19, 2021
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The Internet of Things trend is growing exponentially. According to this article, the number of IoT devices has increased from 14 percent to 25 percent between 2014 and 2019. The whole point of IoT is to connect devices with each other so they can work without human intervention. This is particularly beneficial because we can control IoT devices with our mobiles. Some of the most common examples of IoT are smart coffee makers and smart thermostats.

There is a drawback to IoT that not everyone knows. If you don’t have a high-level security system, you could be hacked. IoT devices are connected to the Internet, meaning that if those devices don’t have high-security encryption, they can suffer a cyberattack. This means, for example, that your security cameras can be manipulated, and someone could break into your home.

However, cybersecurity is getting more sophisticated in these devices due to these reasons. Now, IoT is a strong tech trend that will surely disrupt almost every industry. Today, we’ll explore some of the ways IoT is affecting incumbent industries.


IoT is making a huge splash on the healthcare system, not only by improving the medical tools but also by enhancing patients’ quality of life. Today there are IoT implants and wearable tech used to detect changes in blood pressure and blood glucose. This is particularly helpful for those who suffer from heart diseases or diabetes.

What’s beneficial about these devices is that they’re connected to your mobile via the Internet, meaning that they can call 911 if you happen to have a heart attack, for example.

There’s another IoT application in the healthcare industry. The company Proteus Discover has created a smart pill that can be ingested by patients. The pill has sensors that detect changes in your stomach and send that information to a mobile app on your phone. The purpose of these pills is to have access to data from the patients’ health, specifically whether they’ve taken their medication or not.

What’s interesting about this discovery, which was approved by the FDA, is that doctors will have a more accurate diagnosis of a patient’s medical condition. However, the main purpose of Proteus’ digital pill is to help patients take their medication on time.

Some people think it’s not ethical to put sensors and chips inside patients’ bodies because it amounts to privacy invasion. However, whether we like it or no, this tool will inevitably change the healthcare industry.



IoT is significantly beneficial for the farming industry. IoT sensors can detect humidity, light, and moisture in the field, making it easier for farmers to track the harvest. Some of the benefits of using IoT in agriculture include being able to reduce costs and being environmentally friendly. Sometimes, farmers tend to overuse water because they don’t know what’s the right amount they should use. IoT sensors can calculate the amount of water needed based on humidity or temperature.


Smart Cities

One of the most tedious things you can find in congested cities are gridlocks. You spend hours stuck in traffic waiting for your turn to move. However, this could be something of the past. Smart traffic lights powered by IoT and Artificial Intelligence specialists can detect movement and give more accurate responses to improve traffic flow. This system will work with autonomous cars, and experts say it will also prevent car accidents.

In addition, smart waste collection powered by IoT improves waste management. This system works by adding sensors to garbage bins that detect when they are full or empty. This way, waste collectors can work more efficiently.


Smart shelves are now part of almost every retail company. These are intelligent shelves that detect inventory products and are connected to the Internet. Therefore, they send a message to the owner to notify them about the lack of products in stock. When this happens, the system can automatically place an order to request more products.



The IoT trend is expected to grow exponentially over the next couple of years. Therefore, we’ll probably see more IoT-driven tools in other industries. Some of the leading industries that are now implementing this trend are the healthcare, retail, and automobile industry.


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