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5 Ways to Make Your Store Stand Out

silbchris August 23, 2022
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With the online shopping market booming, many entrepreneurs have written off the idea of opening a traditional brick-and-mortar store. After all, over 75% of people shop online every month. That’s a big number to compete with!

However, reports show that many people still prefer to see an item before they make a purchase. This means high street shopping isn’t dead yet.

If you’re considering setting up your very own store, you’ll be competing with big brand names. While this can seem daunting, here are five ways to make your store stand out from the crowd.

1. Have a clear brand

Promoting your “brand” is a buzzword often thrown around – but what does it mean? How do you do this? Thankfully, there are many ways to define your store’s brand.

The first step is to design an eye-catching logo. Carefully consider what font you should use and what colours suit your products. After developing a logo, create social media accounts to promote your store online. You can research marketing plans to understand how to continue promoting your business that aligns with your business goals.

2. Customer service

You can have the best products in the world, but this means nothing if you don’t have good customer service. People still buy from people, so a friendly smile and helpful attitude can go a long way.

Really get to know your customers, take note of what they like and don’t like, and ask them for feedback on products and campaigns. Hire a good team with the same values, and you’ll notice loyal customers returning time and time again. Plus, word of mouth is still a powerful marketing tool.

3. Loyalty schemes

Customers love being recognised for their loyalty and receiving rewards. After all, who doesn’t like a reward?

Loyalty schemes can vary depending on what products you sell and the nature of your store. You could offer discounts on purchases over a certain amount, a points system for freebies, and so much more.

4. Safety

Health and safety is essential for all stores. No one wants to shop in a store that is messy, dirty, and unsafe. Instead, ensure your store is clean, tidy, and easy to navigate.

But, regardless of how safe your store is, no one can predict when an accident will happen. To prepare for the worst, make sure you have all the relevant insurance and train your staff in First Aid.

5. Lighting

This is something many stores often overlook. However, lighting is a factor that could easily make or break a sale.

Not only is a dimly lit store a health hazard, but no one wants to stumble around in the dark trying to look at products. Yet, you don’t want to go over the top with lighting and force your customers to wear sunglasses indoors. Find a good medium, and consider how lighting can highlight specific products. Spotlights can quickly draw the attention of a passerby, and coloured lights could help you to stand out.

Stand out from the crowd

Running a business takes a lot of commitment and passion. However, without customers, you won’t have a business at all.

With these five factors in mind, your store is bound to draw attention. Remember to build your brand, promote good customer service, consider loyalty schemes, store safety, and ideal lighting – and you’ll have a winner of a store on your hands. Good luck!




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