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Work and Career

7 Things to Consider When Hiring a New Employee

silbchris June 20, 2022
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Owning a business is hard work. To help with demand, you might be considering hiring a new employee.

But how do you know you’re ready? Where do you start? How can you be sure you’ve found the right fit?

To answer these pressing questions, here are seven things to consider when hiring a new employee at your business.

1. Be honest

Firstly, you need to be honest with yourself. Do you actually need a new employee?

While you may be struggling with workload, this could be a seasonal problem. After the busy period is over, you could be left with an extra employee who doesn’t have much work to do. Therefore, it’s best to consider long-term business needs before hiring.

2. Consider other options

Following on from the above point, you could look into other options instead of hiring a new employee. This might make more sense for your business financially.

Other options include outsourcing help. By hiring a contractor or freelancer, you’ll get the help you need but for a period that suits you. Another option to consider is an apprenticeship. This is a cost-efficient idea, but it also helps the local economy.

3. Clearly define the role

However, if you’re sure you need a new employee, the next step is to write a detailed job description. Clearly define the job role and its responsibilities, but leave some wriggle room for the position to grow over time.

If you’re struggling to write a full job advert, this could indicate there isn’t enough work for a new employee to do. If this is the case, go back to point number two.

4. Have a checklist

After writing a full job description, you’ll need a clear checklist for your new employee. This will detail everything you’re looking for and paint a clear picture of your ideal candidate.

Things to include on this checklist are relevant qualifications, additional training, and how many years’ experience they have. When candidates start to apply, you’ll quickly weed through unsuitable applications.

5. Personality matters

But qualifications aren’t everything. Although you need someone with relevant knowledge and experience, personality is an important factor as well.

Think about your current employees. What interests do they have? What are their personalities like? Finding someone with experience is just one part of the problem; finding someone who fits in with your team will truly make the difference.

6. Always interview

This might seem obvious, but struggling businesses could rush to fill a role without taking the recommended steps. One step that should never be skipped is the interview stage.

Never hire someone off of their CV alone. While references and recommendations are vital resources, you won’t know for yourself until you meet the candidate.

7. Ask the right questions

Lastly, you want to be asking relevant questions. An interview can also be worrying for the interviewer, so make sure you’re prepared with relevant interview questions.

Depending on your business type, there are numerous questions you could ask. Some good ones to begin with are:

  • What are your greatest strengths?
  • What are your greatest weaknesses?
  • Why do you want to leave your current job?
  • What excites you about this job?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • Describe your ideal workplace

Hire or not to hire

Remember to consider all of your options and long-term business plan before hiring a new employee. Plus, remember that personality matters just as much as their CV!

Every business is different. Only you will know what is right for you. By following these steps, you’re bound to hire the right person at the right time.


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