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8 Insights Into A Professional SEO Website Audit

debraappleofficial May 19, 2022
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A website audit is the first step toward optimizing your website for search engines. It is a systematic examination of your website and its content, with a focus on the performance of your online marketing initiatives. Website audits help you pinpoint areas of improvement within your existing Internet marketing strategy. A professional SEO company will provide a website audit that is a detailed analysis of your site from a search engine perspective.

The audit will start by looking at the overall usability of your site, before moving on to evaluate several SEO factors. This includes on-site SEO and off-site SEO. On-site SEO factors will be evaluated based on your website content and design. For example, the title tags, meta description, and keyword density. Off-site SEO factors will be evaluated based on external factors, such as backlinks and social media.

What Does a Professional SEO Company Do?

A professional SEO company will not just provide an audit of your site, but also provide a list of recommendations to improve your website and your search engine performance. A professional SEO website audit is a crucial part of any website development project. A great SEO audit can help you find the best ways to use SEO to your advantage, determine what needs to be done, and point out any issues that need to be addressed. A website needs to be optimized so that it can be indexed by search engines. You can hire professional SEO services to make your website search engine friendly. Let’s discuss the main 8 insights into a professional SEO website audit:

  • Determine the Scope:

The first step is to determine what to audit. There are three key things to consider when it comes to SEO: content, technical SEO, and backlinks.

  1. The content consists of all the text on your website, images, videos, and meta information shared with the website’s audience so that they can get their desired information.
  2. Technical SEO is the stuff that makes your website search engine friendly. It’s the nuts and bolts of your website. Without technical SEO, your website will fail to function properly.
  3. Backlinks are the links from other websites pointing back to your website. They are the most important ranking factor. The more unique and trusted backlinks your site has, the more powerful it is. Backlinks are still a very important ranking factor in Google’s algorithm.
  • Identify Your Competitors:

Comparing your overall performance with your competitor’s performance provides content for how you are doing and if they are doing better than you or you are doing better than them. If you keep eye on your competitors and examine every strategy they follow and employ for their business and gives you a viewpoint on just how your SEO performance measures up.

  • Set a Specific Data Range:

You can only find them from an audit if they are stacked properly into context. To stack things into context properly, set a specific data range for an audit so that right and authentic data can be examined. Set data range to compare the current one with the previous one.

  • Select SEO Metrics:

The quality of work between you and your competitors tells the audience about your work and they choose one with high quality and professional SEO services for their business. To tell the audience about the quality of your work few SEO metrics are worthy of examining like organic keywords, backlinks, organic traffic, domain rating, and traffic value.

  • List Insights of SEO Website:

In the order of numbers or form of bullet points, list out all qualitative and quantitative insights of the website that resulted from the audit.

  • Deploy Tools:

Some tools could be very beneficial to provide reports and recommendations to develop a list of insights for SEO websites. They are on-page SEO, Local SEO, content, crawling & indexing, links, site speed, and keyword research.

  • Investigate the Insight:

After completing the insight, take a complete look at your work and ask yourself “why”. That “why” is the key to unlocking crucial ideas that can make a difference in the future.

  • Create a Prioritized Plan:

After a successful audit and having a lot of insights, now it’s time to prioritize the plan. Create a list of 10-15 items in each low, medium, and high priority category.

Professional seo services

Where to get the best professional SEO services in London?

Web Marketo is the most trusted and affordable agency to get professional SEO services at very reasonable prices. They are serving all kinds of businesses since 2015 along with their team of experts. They have proved that they are the best by providing high-quality services.


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