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Work and Career

7 Signs You’re Ready to Freelance Fulltime

silbchris January 21, 2022
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Lockdown has forced many people to take up working from home. Makeshift home offices, zoom meetings, and pyjama work clothes have become the norm – and most even prefer it.

This kind of work may have inspired you to take up some freelance work in your spare time. Having some extra pocket money is great, but what if you went freelance full-time?

This is a big step to take. Moving away from set hours, set wages, and structure can be daunting. However, to help you decide, below are seven signs you’re ready to quit the day job and take up freelancing full-time.

You’re self-driven

This is a key trait to have to become a successful freelancer. You should be a committed, positive individual passionate about achieving your goals.

Do you crave independence? Do you want to make your own hours, pick your own clients, and set your own goals?

To accomplish this, you’ll need to be a driven individual. Freelancing isn’t easy, and you’ll need the courage to batter on, even when you feel like giving up.

You have an established network

Building a client base is vital for freelancers. If you’ve been freelancing part-time, you have probably worked with a few clients, but this is not enough.

Full-time freelancers should have a vast network of clients. Developing this bank of customers can take time, but it’s better to be safe than sorry before jumping into full-time freelance work.

By doing so, you’ll create a good name for yourself. Clients will recommend your services to others, therefore building your network and creating more robust job security.

You’re a deadline pro

Being a freelancer requires a lot of time management. Depending on what services you offer, you might be working with multiple clients at a time, which can become overwhelming without the right skillset.

Successful freelancers understand the importance of deadlines – especially full-time ones. There is a lot to think about, such as client meetings, deadlines, and taxes.

Before committing to full-time freelancing, make sure you have mastered your timekeeping doing it part-time. If you struggle with this, it will only get harder going full-time!

You’re confident

No one likes an egomaniac. But, when freelancing, you have to be your biggest fan.

You have to set boundaries with clients. State how much pay you expect from a job and don’t falter. Listen and learn from feedback, but don’t let clients walk all over you.

Remember, you’re the expert, and the client has hired you. Trust your abilities and instincts! However, to stay safe, it’s best to get professional indemnity insurance to cover any hiccups along the way.

Your portfolio is impressive

Before jumping into the deep end of full-time freelancing, make sure you have a unique portfolio. Having both a physical and online copy will be suitable for building clientele.

Having a portfolio of at least five pieces of work will benefit you. This will clearly demonstrate your skills and abilities, putting customers’ minds at ease.

Portfolios will look different depending on your profession. This could be links to websites you have written for, a gallery of designs you have created, or before and after home improvement pictures. Whatever it is you do, make sure your portfolio highlights the very best.

You have support

In any walk of life, support from friends and family goes a long way. This is especially true with freelancing.

A strong support network will pick you up when you’re down, lend a helping hand when necessary, and promote your business. Having someone fight in your corner will not only help you as a freelancer, but it’ll make you feel better too.

Plus, it’s not advisable to quit your steady job to pursue freelancing without discussing it with your partner and family. Due to freelance work being unpredictable, your family may have to provide more money for a short period, and you will all have to accept money will be tight until you find your feet. Having your partner entirely on board and supportive will make this transition period much easier.

You have a backup plan

It’s good to be positive, but it’s best to have a backup plan. We can all have delusions of grandeur, sometimes the market is in a slump, or maybe the worst happens. Therefore, it’s always best to be prepared.

It’s recommended to have at least two or three months in savings before committing to full-time freelancing. This will allow you to explore the world of freelance without any added pressure.

Plus, maintaining a good relationship with your previous workplace won’t hurt just in case you need to return. Keeping an eye on other job openings is also a good practice.

Have you got what it takes?

After every section, have you thought, “yep, that’s me!”? Chances are, you’re ready to take the plunge into the full-time freelancing world.

Remember to have support and a backup plan before jumping in headfirst. If you have that and are determined to succeed, the sky’s the limit!

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