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Shared Stories Stories of Music and Culture

Voice of the People

Bluemoon August 18, 2016
3210 Views 01 Comment

The gates have opened, a collective of jazz lovers parade onto the carefully attended grounds of Maymont. They find their spot for the day and wait for those beginning notes to play out on the loud speakers. This is the Richmond Jazz Festival, where thousands share one common goal: to see a diverse collection of master musicians give their very best performances. They walk these grounds with the hope of seeing new and familiar faces, make memories with the ones they love and create new ones with the folks they have only known for a couple of hours. They appreciate the flexibility of three stages and the ability to roam the park. These jazz lovers look forward to looking back at their experience at the Richmond Jazz Festival in awe.

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  1. James Warren August 20, 2016

    Thanks for sharing!


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