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Share More Stories Expands Its SEEQ Platform With New SEEQ App

Kevin Leaven October 25, 2022
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This year marks a pivotal moment for Share More Stories (SMS) as we intend to unveil the newest addition to our offerings to enhance human connection through the use of storytelling and data analytics. That development is our new SEEQ App, as part of the SEEQ platform that enables users to leverage the power of machine learning technology to extrapolate sentiments and thoughts expressed through stories. Part of our mission at SMS is to create tools that help companies put humanity back in their businesses, by guiding organizations to develop more mutually beneficial relationships with people. Following our mission requires a level of curiosity to explore the nuances of human experience alongside a commitment to respect the variety of diverse perspectives.

The new SEEQ App.

Developing New Insights Solutions For Understanding People 

Getting to this point didn’t happen overnight. Over the last four years, the SEEQ Platform has evolved from a totally in-person service consisting of facilitated sessions to a fully operational digital product offering. Amid the beginnings of the COVID-19 pandemic, human-to-human sessions transitioned to digital mediums, utilizing Zoom and other third-party products. In early 2022, we engaged several research and insights thought leaders to help us better understand how to deliver more value to our customers and partners as we continue to grow. Much of what we heard pertained to pain points like research’s shelf life, challenges with data collection and delivering quality at speed and scale. (Check out our LinkedIn page for our take on what we learned from those conversations.) We have long desired to build a companion web application to complement our SEEQ process. This application would not only improve the experience for our participants, clients and sponsors, but allow us to provide new efficiencies to improve the value of our offering. We have done just that with the launch of SEEQ App, a standalone product that continues to enable deeper human experience insights, while reflecting the learnings from these iterative updates with the reach and economics that a web-scale app provides. 

SEEQ App guides participants through a story sharing experience, similar to our facilitated SEEQ sessions.


SEEQ App empowers users to recall their stories and experiences with richer detail, resulting in better analytics.

The new SEEQ App will be a new efficient channel to our venerated SEEQ attitudinal analysis engine. Built on Google/TensorFlow deep network technology, and machine learning techniques, our solution can help our sponsors better understand a community of people through their expressed stories. However, it is more than the technical algorithms we use, we’ve also had to be good students of the psychological case work of the past century to better understand the nuances of human expression.  For example,in the pursuit of better understanding the nexus between emotional connection, attitudes, relationships and stories, we explored the possibilities available when combining natural language processing software and a proprietary attitudinal scoring methodology. During a recent conversation our Chief Technology Officer, Andy Sitison, reflected on our journey so far and gave the example of distinguishing happiness from joy: “happiness is a short-term effect, people are [momentarily] happy or sad. But joy is a longer, more strategic function… it’s deeper than happiness… being in a moment that really replenishes you.” Being able to capture this level of nuance from people’s stories enables cross-industry use cases applicable for tourism, DEI, healthcare, financial services and more, based on the findings that result from using the new SEEQ App. 

SEEQ App enables clients and sponsors to understand participants’ attitudes related to their experiences, in order to make them better.

Launched in Richmond: An Intersection of Stories

As a startup based out of Richmond, Virginia, it is meaningful for us to reflect on the storied past of our city which contains both pinnacles of triumph and tragedy within the greater American story. This summer, our Chief Software Developer Scott Fryxell, a renowned West Coast developer, has served as the development lead in converting our prototype into what is now our production release of SEEQ App. On one of his trips from San Francisco to the Richmond headquarters, Scott and Andy decided to take a moment to unpack some of the historical complexity of the city.

People Posing Near James River

Andy and Scott walking in Richmond; Image Credit: Andy Sitison

During this particular visit Scott joined our Richmond-based team for a two-mile walk following Richmond Slave Trail. Somehow the two miles turned into a seven-mile odyssey. A remarkable walking and reflection experience, Richmond Slave Trail chronicles the harrowing and ugly reality of chattel slavery’s impact on human rights, economics and culture in America. A multitude of perspectives comprise the history of this place and our team was filled with full-spectrum awe.

Map of Richmond Slave Trail

Map of Richmond Slave Trail; Image Credit: Richmond Times-Dispatch

Recognizing the impact of coordinated experiences that keep people in the moment and engaged is the focal point of SEEQ App. Helping organizations deal with the complexity of humanity and empathy while encouraging better products and more equitable workplaces is a journey that we believe can be enhanced with a community centered product that highlights the power of human connection.

If you’re interested in gaining actionable insights about your organization, customers or community through a blended human and digital touch, let’s connect for a free demo.


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